Going to Cosmetology School While Pregnant – Your Questions Answered

Whether you become pregnant before or after enrolling in beauty school, you likely have questions and concerns, so we're here to help as best we can! This guide is here to address any fears you may have about attending cosmetology school and offer advice. However, talking to your doctor is essential, as they're your best resource.

Can I attend cosmetology school while pregnant?

Every pregnancy is unique, so what works best for one person may not work for another. Given the right circumstances, many people have completed a cosmetology program while pregnant. If you become pregnant while attending beauty school, speak to your doctor to assess if continuing your education is the right path.

Are the chemicals in a beauty school dangerous to my baby or me?

How risky beauty school is to you or your baby depends on the school, your specialty and its unique chemicals, and your overall health, among other factors. And studies done on the subject—like all studies—have limitations.

According to a 2021 study published in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine, working as a nail technician or hairdresser while pregnant may lead to birth defects. Specifically, congenital heart defects were associated with nail technician work, while oral clefts were associated with hairdressing. This is even more true if the hairdresser also performed nail technician duties.

The report also noted previous studies, which found that some products common in professional beauty environments — such as shampoos, hair dyes, hair sprays, straighteners, and bleaches — may be linked to adverse reproductive outcomes.

However, Angela Hawk, a clinical instructor in Maternal Fetal Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, says that many studies in animals have addressed this—and found the danger is not all that high. Most of them found that even when hair dye was administered in very high doses that would be toxic to the mother, no adverse effects were seen in the offspring.  She also points out that some older studies did suggest that cosmetologists might be more likely to miscarry or give birth to smaller babies. Still, these studies didn't take into account other aspects of a mom's health, like cigarette smoking.

To learn more about cosmetics and ingredients you should avoid while pregnant, take a look at our Toxic Cosmetics Guide, which includes ingredients to avoid in cosmetics while pregnant.

"Newer studies have not confirmed these findings, which might be due to the studies themselves being done better and actual changes in the composition of many hair dyes," Hawk says. The amount of dye absorbed through the scalp is very small, not more than 1% of the applied dose, and highlights alone don't even touch the scalp.

But what about the physical strain of standing on one's feet for a full eight-hour day and the poor posture sometimes associated with doing hair, nails, and makeup? Can those negatively impact the baby or mother? Hawk cites a large study that compared hairdressers to salesclerks since both professions involve standing for long periods.

"Hairdressers didn't have any increase in reproductive disorders above the sales clerks," Hawk says. "[A person working] any job that involves standing for long periods of time should take regular breaks every two to three hours, however, and make sure they stay well-hydrated."

Hawk also advises paying special attention to posture since a woman's center of balance changes during pregnancy. Some women find that wearing a belly band is helpful for this. As long as cosmetologists have proper working conditions, Hawk says, she "wouldn't expect any risks above and beyond that of any other profession."

Pregnant cosmetology students or salon employees should work in a well-ventilated area, wear gloves when performing chemical services, and minimize the amount of chemicals they're exposed to. Given those conditions, Hawk says attending cosmetology school or working as a cosmetologist while pregnant is just fine.

What about while you're nursing your infant? Should you wait to enroll or start work again? Hawk emphasizes that breastfeeding has many benefits for both mom and baby, so you should always be given regular opportunities to pump if you're away from your baby to attend beauty school or work in the salon. Hydration is just as important now as when you were pregnant, and again, limit exposure to chemicals by wearing gloves and washing hands before pumping or nursing.

The best thing to do is talk to your doctor if you have any concerns as you navigate being pregnant while attending cosmetology school.  

Do I have to tell my cosmetology school that I'm pregnant?

You don't have to tell your cosmetology school if you're pregnant if you don't want to. However, while the choice is up to you, it may be advisable if you have a lot of doctor appointments you can't schedule around your classes or need specific accommodations, like extra breaks. You may also want to readjust your schedule from full- to part-time classes.

Can I take a break from beauty school if my pregnancy requires it?

Some schools may allow time off during a pregnancy, but others may not. It depends on the school, so check with your institution. Generally, the financial aid departments at cosmetology schools try to work out time off from school for pregnancy or illness-related reasons when it comes to tuition payments.

How can I take the best care of myself if I'm pregnant during beauty school?

Practicing self-care while going to school is a must, but it's even more critical when you're pregnant! Consider these tips on how to take care of yourself when attending cosmetology school while pregnant:

  • Get regular exercise: Find fitness classes suitable for pregnant individuals and make exercise a part of your routine.
  • Eat well: Meal prep or menu plan and invest in Tupperware or to-go cups so you always have healthy snacks, smoothies, and soups at your side while attending classes.
  • Get plenty of rest and take breaks: Sleep is essential!
  • Schedule your classes when you're most alert: While this may not always be possible, try to schedule your classes during times when you have the most energy and focus.This could mean taking online courses (if possible) or finding a doctor whose office hours work best with your class schedule.
  • Seek assistance: Don't hesitate to ask friends and family for help when needed.
  • Know your rights: Review Title IX if you attend a federally-funded institution. These schools can't discriminate against you for being pregnant.
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