The actual enrollment dates vary at every beauty school. You will need to contact schools near you to speak with their admissions representatives. When you speak to each school, ask about actual upcoming dates your program of interest will begin at their campus, and the application deadlines for each. There is no one uniform enrollment date, schedule or policy for every beauty school program.
In addition, enrollment dates often may vary depending on other factors, such as:
- Class size – Some schools must wait until a class reaches a certain number of students before they can begin.
- State licensing requirements – Every state has different requirements for program lengths, which can affect the enrollment schedule at a school.
- Programs offered by the school – Some programs take longer than others, and may have start dates further apart than shorter programs.
The application process is usually much simpler and more straightforward for beauty programs compared to traditional four-year college programs. While you still may have to complete an interview with an admissions adviser, there are other hassles that you may not have that could slow down the process. For example, you likely will not have to write essays for your application to enroll at most schools.
There are some basic components to the enrollment process used by a majority of beauty schools. Here are the steps you should know:
- Fill out the school’s application form
- Submit the application by mail, online or in person
- Interview with an admissions adviser
- Pass an entrance examination or aptitude test, if applicable
- Complete the FAFSA and any other financial aid applications
- Pay applicable enrollment and tuition fees
- Set up financing, loans or a payment plan with the school
- Sign an enrollment contract with the school
- Start school!
During the enrollment process, we highly recommend taking a tour of the campuses you’re comparing. Touring a school can be done on in a group one of the pre-scheduled dates set by the school, or you can set up a one-on-one appointment with the admissions reps at most schools.
Browse our comprehensive directory of cosmetology schools by state, or if you prefer to be presented with schools in your area, scroll down to the “Find Your School Match Now” button and complete the form. If you're matched, an admissions counselor from a local school will be in touch with you to guide you through the school’s specific application requirements, and help you set up a time to actually visit the school and get all your questions answered.
Once you have chosen a school, complete all of the steps of the enrollment process as soon as possible. This will help ensure that you get a seat in the next upcoming class for your beauty program. An admissions counselor can be your "go-to" person to make sure that you have completed all of your requirements for enrollment, and to answer any questions you have. He or she can also help you complete requirements that you do not understand or are posing an obstacle to you.
Beauty school enrollment schedules
The enrollment schedule for beauty schools tends to be different from the usual semester-based enrollment schedule at community colleges and four-year universities. At cosmetology schools, classes begin at various points throughout the year and you can apply for admission at any time.
Watch our video overview of the application process
Enrollment year-round
One benefit of applying for a beauty school program is that you can usually apply to enroll at any time of the year, without having to hit hard deadlines prior to a semester start date. Beauty schools will often allow you to enroll for the next available class for your program without a long wait period.
The time from application to enrollment will depend on factors like the program you choose, because each program is a different length. For example, full cosmetology programs typically require 1500 to 2000 hours to complete and can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years. Whereas esthetics and nail tech programs tend to be much shorter, in the 300 to 600-hour range, so they may enroll as often as every 3 to 6 months.
This means that if you want to be admitted into a comprehensive cosmetology program, then you may be enrolled in the middle of the year and have to wait a few months to start in the next available class. For an esthetics program that takes just six months to complete, you may not have to wait as long between application/enrollment and actually starting class. Some schools even admit students right away and have students at varying stages of the class all at once.
Contact beauty school admissions for more information
Beauty school admissions counselors are at every school, ready and waiting to help you. The admissions reps at the schools you’re researching can give you a schedule with all the important upcoming academic dates for the beauty school. This will help you stay aware of the upcoming deadlines, the application process, and your current stage in the process. You can also receive help from the admissions counselor in choosing a start date for your application.
If you have any other questions about beauty school programs, then get in touch with a beauty school admissions advisor today, who can answer all of your questions and respond to your concerns. Whether you have questions about filling out the application properly, or are concerned about fulfilling education requirements or affording beauty school, an admissions counselor can ease your concerns and help you complete the application process in time to enroll for the next start date.
Schools typically require you to produce a driver’s license or other state-issued identification and your high school diploma or GED. If you cannot produce your diploma or GED, you may be asked to show high school transcripts. Some schools ask for social security number, but that is typically on the financial aid forms you can fill out to apply for tuition assistance. The FAFSA links directly to the IRS nowadays, so you shouldn’t even need to bring your (or your parents’) tax records in to the school apply for financial aid – just your ID. If you are not yet 18 years of age, you may need parental consent. Some schools ask for letters of recommendation along with your beauty school application. If you are transferring your hours from one beauty school to another, you will need to provide a transcript with proof of hours from your previous school. Depending on your state board of cosmetology’s regulations, you may need your prior school’s bills paid in full in order for them to release the hours. On some beauty school applications, we have heard of video essays, written essays, short answer questions, and aptitude tests being part of the application process, but this is on a school by school basis, not an industry standard.
One benefit of applying for a beauty school program is that you can usually apply to enroll at any time of the year, without having to hit hard deadlines prior to a semester start date. Beauty schools will often allow you to enroll for the next available class for your program without a long wait period.
The time from application to enrollment will depend on factors like the program you choose, because each program is a different length. For example, full cosmetology programs typically require 1500 to 2000 hours to complete and can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years. Whereas esthetics and nail tech programs tend to be much shorter, in the 300 to 600-hour range, so they may enroll as often as every 3 to 6 months.
This means that if you want to be admitted into a comprehensive cosmetology program, then you may be enrolled in the middle of the year and have to wait a few months to start in the next available class. For an esthetics program that takes just six months to complete, you may not have to wait as long between application/enrollment and actually starting class. Some schools even admit students right away and have students at varying stages of the class all at once.