Programs Offered

Massage Therapy

Recent Reviews

11/6/2024 via Google
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HVAC program great, fun, exciting etc... come join the team!!!!! I really encourage you to, I promise you one thing, you won’t get bored. Only thing it’s really fast pace, but it’s taught to you as your on a job site, real life situation!!!! I graduated back in 2019

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7/16/2024 via Google
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Ms. Peters, (admissions advisor) Is beyond AMAZING is very knowledgeable with her job title very enthusiastic. Ms. Peters ensure my daughter had a understanding about the medical field and the great offer hands on. Ms. Peters energy, smile, educate driving is phenomenal. JOB WELL DONE!!!!

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6/28/2024 via Google
via Google

Ms. Peters, (the admissions advisor) is the best!! My sister felt extremely comfortable with her and I feel extremely certain that with others like her as my sister's school support team she will be dancing across that stage in no time!! Thank you for the warming welcome you gave me sister Ms Peters!!!!!

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Centura College - Newport News offers the following programs:

Massage Therapy

About This School

Accreditation or State Approval

Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)

One or more programs offered at this school is accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accredited programs qualify graduates for applicable state licensing. In addition, accredited schools typically can offer more financial aid options, including federal financial aid. Learn more about accreditation and approval.


To apply to this school, there is a $25 application fee.

Financial Aid

76% of students received financial aid

On average, students received $4,172 in financial aid.

Student Body

Gender Ratio

64% Female, 36% Male

Race / Ethnicity Ratio

10% White, 3% Hispanic / Latino, 70% African American, 2% Asian American, 1% American Indian, 1% Hawaiian / Pacific, 11% Two or More, 1% Unknown

174 students are enrolled in this school

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Data Integrity

This information about the school and its programs is reported based on publicly available sources. Though we make periodic updates to our database, program information can change quickly, so always verify directly with the school. In between our periodic updates, we make ad hoc updates when requested as our editorial resources allow.

Page last updated: 03/08/2024

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