Programs Offered

Cosmetology / Esthetics / Nail Technology

Recent Reviews

3/8/2025 via Google
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I went to Raphael's as a student. I have looked at other schools nearby and what their curriculums entail. While I do not consider this to be a perfect program, as no program is, it is an advanced program. You will be in the classroom longer than in a regular program. You do get to learn more services than you do in a basic program. It looks better to say you are an advanced esthetician than a basic esthetician-think of it as a pride point. It gives you the option to get your instructor's license down the road, if you want to pursue that route. Now, I will say that you will need to do some self-studying if you want to do well in this program. This is common among any academic program, not just an esthetics programs. It's normal to get theory in the classroom and then have to study on your own afterwards. This is coming from someone who pursued a traditional academic track prior to being in esthetics. Students from this program traditionally do well on their State Boards-from what I was told at school and from what I saw when I was a student. It's like anything else in life-if you want it bad enough, you WILL get it! I have faith in you!

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7/30/2024 via Google
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They are super sweet owner amazing checks on your experience. Hair was beautiful trying to get back freaking rain. No sooner than I can get back. Kiki the best.

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3/16/2024 via Google
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If you’re looking to find somewhere where you can truly be you, and figure out what you’re passionate about, this is the place. The instructors truly care about your learning, experience and just overall your skills. There’s no one else I would have ever picked to have been taught by, and they hold a special place in my heart. I loved my 1800 hours at Raphael’s❤️.

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Raphael's School of Beauty Culture - Alliance offers the following programs:

Cosmetology / Esthetics / Nail Technology


Program Length 750 hours
Average Completion 8 months
Program Tuition $12,672


Program Length 1,800 hours
Average Completion 16 months
Program Tuition $21,490

Master Esthetics

Program Length 1,050 hours
Average Completion 10 months
Program Tuition $15,795

Nail Technology

Program Length 300 hours
Average Completion 3 months
Program Tuition $3,234

About This School

Accreditation or State Approval

National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS)

One or more programs offered at this school is accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accredited programs qualify graduates for applicable state licensing. In addition, accredited schools typically can offer more financial aid options, including federal financial aid. Learn more about accreditation and approval.

Financial Aid

67% of students received financial aid

On average, students received $5,430 in financial aid.

Student Body

Gender Ratio

98% Female, 2% Male

Race / Ethnicity Ratio

32% White, 10% Hispanic / Latino, 48% African American, 2% Asian American, 0% American Indian, 0% Hawaiian / Pacific, 7% Two or More, 1% Unknown

410 students are enrolled in this school

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This information about the school and its programs is reported based on publicly available sources. Though we make periodic updates to our database, program information can change quickly, so always verify directly with the school. In between our periodic updates, we make ad hoc updates when requested as our editorial resources allow.

Page last updated: 01/29/2025

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