Massage Therapy Schools in Vermont

Browse our directory of massage therapy schools in Vermont, or skip ahead to learn about the state's massage therapy licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Masseuse in Vermont

Vermont Massage Therapy Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for massage therapists in Vermont is $38,170 ($18.35/hour). This is lower than the national average of $42,820 ($20.59/hour).
  • There is a predicted 8% job increase between 2016-2026 for massage therapists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 22%.

The field of massage therapy is one that's growing rapidly in Vermont. People are starting to realize that a massage isn't just something you get when you want to treat yourself.

In fact, a well-done massage can alleviate all sorts of health problems and keep away stress.

Education Details

As a massage therapy student, you must learn all about the human body and how to repair it through the healing power of massage. Early in your curriculum, you may learn about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. This prepares you to learn about different massage techniques and find out how they can be applied to different parts of the body. Hands-on practice is one of the most crucial parts of your education. By working with peers and real customers, you can test your massage techniques and find out how to best improve your skills. This knowledge can be invaluable when you begin your career, since you want to be the best massage therapist you can be.

License Renewal

Cosmetology license renewal in Vermont happens every two years on November 30 in odd-numbered years. The cost to renew a cosmetology license is $130. The Board sends out renewal reminders in October. Vermont requires 24 cosmetology continuing education hours to renew instructor licenses. Six of these hours must be in the art of teaching, and the rest should be in your field of study. However, CEUs are always recommended to stay current in the industry.

Vermont Massage Therapy Careers


Average yearly salary for massage therapy in Vermont

There are many reasons that Vermont is a great place to work as a masseuse. The average salary for a Vermont massage therapist is $38,170 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020). In addition, the job outlook in Vermont is fairly solid. Between 2016 and 2026, CareerOneStop anticipates an 8% increase in massage therapy jobs across Vermont.

One of the great parts of working as a massage therapist is the variety of ways in which you can use your skills. Many new massage schools graduates choose to work for salons, spas, or standalone massage clinics. If you are a business-minded, you may even choose to open your own massage business. Whichever career route you decide to go, it is important to market yourself. You must impress new clients when they come in and be able to bring in prospective customers.

Contact the Vermont State Board of Cosmetology

Office of Professional Regulation
Massage Therapy

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