Esthetician Schools in Massachusetts
As the most populous state in New England, Massachusetts is a great place to launch your esthetician career. Your skin care expertise will be valuable no matter where you decide to work in The Bay State. Browse our directory of esthetician schools in Massachusetts, or skip ahead to learn about the state's esthetician licensing requirements and job outlook.
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300 Wildwood Avenue
Woburn, MA 01801
You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
Esthetician Schools Near Me
Check out the Esthetics/Skin Care schools these cities in Massachusetts have to offer.
How to Become a Esthetician in Massachusetts
- 600 education hours are required to become licensed.
- You must renew your license every 2 years.
- 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
- The average salary for estheticians in Massachusetts is $51,050.
- There is a predicted 5% job increase between 2018–2028 for estheticians.
An esthetician licensed by the Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering can provide various skin care services in Massachusetts, including facials, makeup application, and waxing.
The requirements to become an esthetician in Massachusetts include:
Esthetician Salary and Projected Job Growth in Massachusetts
Average yearly salary for esthetics in Massachusetts
The outlook for estheticians in Massachusetts is positive. Not only is this career expected to grow by 5% through 2028, but skin care specialists in the state also earn higher salaries on average than in other parts of the country.
Estheticians in Massachusetts earned an average salary of $51,050 per year or $24.54 per hour in 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This is much higher than the national average annual wage of $41,700 for skin care specialists nationwide. The top 10% of estheticians in Massachusetts make $78,240 or more.
Salaries vary significantly based on industry, services offered, and geographic location. The highest-paying metro areas for estheticians in Massachusetts are:
Metro Area | 2020 Median Salary |
Boston-Cambridge-Nashua, MA-NH | $48,180 |
Springfield, MA-CT | $46,250 |
Barnstable Town, MA | $46,210 |
Worcester, MA-CT | $44,010 |
Providence-Warwick, RI-MA | $29,820 |
Table information sourced from O*Net (2022)
What to Expect From an Esthetician Program in Massachusetts
Required to earn a esthetics license
To become an esthetician in Massachusetts, you must complete 600 training hours at a board-approved school. An approved school earns licensure from the board and must stay in good standing to remain licensed. The schools also must operate under the immediate supervision of a licensed instructor.
Every state-approved esthetics program in Massachusetts maintains a course of study that includes:
Estheticians in Massachusetts learn waxing. However, you may need additional training and licensure to become an electrologist if you want to provide hair removal services using an electrical current.
Can I Apprentice as an Esthetician in Massachusetts?
Apprenticeships are not available for aspiring estheticians in Massachusetts. However, the state does offer cosmetology and barbering apprenticeships at approved schools, which may help you learn some skin care treatment basics.
Massachusetts Esthetician Licensing Requirements
You can apply to the board for examination and licensure in Massachusetts after completing 600 training hours via an approved esthetics program. You must submit a $68 licensing fee with your application and pass your written and practical exams.
When you fill out the application, make sure to select the exams you want to take. You also need your school and board codes to submit the application. Once the board receives, reviews, and accepts your application, you can expect to receive approval to schedule your exams.
The board uses Pearson Vue to administer and register for the exams. You can also find test information or download forms on their website. Select the testing location you prefer at registration and pay the $150 testing fee online through Pearson Vue.
On the day of your exams, make sure to bring two forms of ID and arrive at the testing center early. You must place all personal belongings in a locker while taking the written exam, which takes place on a computer and typically requires around 90 minutes to complete the 50 questions. You should receive your scores immediately after testing.
The practical examination includes 10 tasks to be performed on a mannequin:
You may make any ADA accommodation requests upon registration for the exams.
Massachusetts Esthetician Licensure Reciprocity
Reciprocity licenses are available in Massachusetts for out-of-state applicants. You must hold a current license in good standing in the U.S. To apply, fill out the application form and pay the fee online. You may also need to include your education transcripts or documentation to prove you worked for two years in your field.
Active military members, military spouses, and veterans who relocate to Massachusetts may also apply for an esthetician license. The board examines your education, training, and service experience in the military toward the qualifications for licensure. There are no license fees for veterans and individuals who qualify.
To apply, submit one of the following to the board along with the supporting documentation:
License Renewal
License renewal period
Continuing education required
You must renew your esthetician license and pay a renewal fee of $68 in Massachusetts every two years. The board determines your renewal date and mails you notification 60 days before you must renew. If you renew late, you pay an additional $57 fee in addition to the renewal fee.
There are no continuing education requirements to renew your license. However, approved schools offer brush-up or advanced training courses you can take to stay up to date with your skills. The school submits proof and information about the course to the board for you, and then you receive a certificate of completion.
You can renew your license and pay the renewal fee online using the ePLACE portal. To do so, you need your license record ID, authorization code, license serial numbers, and the last four digits of your Social Security number. The board provides detailed instructions on renewing your license online.
Contact the Massachusetts State Board of Esthetics
- 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118
- Website: Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering
- Email:
- Call: 617-701-8792
- Fax: 617-727-1627
Massachusetts Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering
The state cosmetology board is also in charge of esthetician licenses, so this website is helpful for information on licensing, testing, and renewals.
ePLACE portal
This online portal lets you apply for or renew your license, pay licensure fees, and even check your license status.
Pearson Vue
As Massachusetts’ test administrator, Pearson Vue provides various resources for aspiring estheticians, including complete practice tests and official handbooks.