Cosmetology Schools Near Pensacola / Fort Walton, FL or Mobile, AL
If you're interested in becoming a cosmetologist in a beautiful beach town, consider Pensacola or Fort Walton, Florida or nearby Mobile, Alabama. With hundreds of wedding venues in Pensacola alone, the area is rich with opportunities for cosmetologists to beautify bridal parties. You may also be able to provide general cosmetology services for locals or to the millions of tourists that flock to the area every year.
Cosmetologists in Pensacola, Florida earned a mean wage of $31,070 per year ($14.94 per hour) as of 2019. That same year, cosmetologists in Fort Walton, Florida, cosmetologists made a mean salary of $28,070 ($13.49 per hour) and those in in Mobile, Alabama earned $24,880 ($11.96 per hour). The number of jobs for cosmetologists in Florida are expected to grow by 17% between 2016 and 2026. Job growth in Alabama is projected to be 8% within the same timeframe.
To become a licensed cosmetologist in Florida, you need to acquire 1,200 hours of training and pass two exams. In Alabama, you must have either 1,500 hours of training or 3,000 hours of an apprenticeship, plus passing scores on a written and skills exam. The schools below will help you earn your training hours and prepare you to pass your tests.
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
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Check out the Cosmetology schools these cities in Florida have to offer.
How to Become a Cosmetologist in Your State
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