Cosmetology Schools in Montana
Browse our directory of cosmetology schools in Montana, or skip ahead to learn about the state's cosmetology licensing requirements and job outlook.
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You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
Cosmetology Schools Near Me
Check out the Cosmetology schools these cities in Montana have to offer.
How to Become a Cosmetologist in Montana
- 2,000 education hours are required to become licensed.
- You must renew your license every 2 years.
- 30 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
- The average salary for cosmetologists in Montana is $23,570 ($11.33/hour). This is lower than the national average of $26,090 ($12.54/hour).
- There is a predicted 14% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 9%.
People love to look good, and as a cosmetologist, you can create a base of loyal clients that look forward to their time in your chair!
Whether you're best at nail care, hair care, or skin care, you can build your skills and knowledge at a Montana beauty program
State License Requirements
Required to earn a cosmetology license
Through the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists, you may get licensed as a cosmetologist after completing your education. When you submit your application, you must pay an $80 application fee. Licenses must be renewed every two years by March 1. Prior to getting your initial license, you have to pass a written test and a skills test.
Education Details
Training is the key to confidence and competence in your career. To qualify for the licensure process, you must complete at least 1,500 hours of education at an accredited beauty school. It must cover the following topics.
Topics Taught at Beauty Schools in Montana
License Renewal
License renewal period
Continuing education required
Cosmetology license renewal in Montana happens every 2 years in the licensing month. It costs $80 to renew a practitioner's license and $95 to renew an instructor's license. Practitioners must get 15 cosmetology continuing education hours for each 12-month period (for a total of 30 per licensure period), and instructors must get 30 cosmetology CEUs for each 12-month period (for a total of 60 per licensure period). A maximum of 10 hours per year may be acquired at trade shows. Even though continuing education may not be required to renew all licenses, cosmetology CEUs are always recommended to stay current in the industry.
Montana Cosmetology Careers
Average yearly salary for cosmetology in Montana
Overall, Montana's need for cosmetologists is expected to increase 14% by 2026 (O*Net, 2019). The average salary for a Montana cosmetologist is $23,570 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020).
From kids getting their very first haircut to fashionistas who are always ready to try something new and people who have had the same haircut for years, you can work with everyone as a Montana cosmetologist. What other field gives you the chance to interact with customers from all walks of life? Many Montana strip malls and shopping centers have standalone nail salons that hire beauty graduates. Beauty salons offer all sorts of services, giving you some flexibility in how you spend your days. Spas are another option to consider; they focus on skin care and massage.
Contact the Montana State Board of Cosmetology
- 301 S. Park Avenue 4th Floor, Helena, MT 59620
- Website: Montana Department of Labor and Industry
- Email:
- Call: 406-444-6880
As newer and more fashion-forward salons and spas open in Montana, there is a demand for more cosmetology professionals. This is backed up by state board estimations for the next six years. All potential applicants begin their careers by using this information.
International SalonSpa Network
Professional Beauty Association