Montana Makeup Artist School and Requirements
Montana requires makeup artists to have an esthetics or cosmetology license to practice. Most opt to attend esthetician school, which generally takes less time and focuses more on makeup.
However, those hoping to perform various beauty services may prefer cosmetology. Neither is an inherently better choice—and Montana doesn't necessarily make you choose between them! Browse our directory of makeup artistry schools in Montana, or skip ahead to learn about the state's makeup artistry licensing requirements and job outlook.
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Options for Makeup School in Montana
Montana considers providing makeup services part of working in esthetics or cosmetology, and the state doesn't allow people to get paid for any of that type of work without a license. So, there aren't specialized makeup schools leading to licensure in the state.
Esthetician school in Montana lasts 650 hours, covering topics like makeup application, facials, and superfluous body hair removal. Because this career is all about skincare, it's appealing to many makeup artists.
READ MORE: Learn More About Montana Esthetician School
Meanwhile, cosmetology school runs for 1,500 hours and covers a bit of everything. This includes makeup, but to a lesser extent than esthetician school. Cosmetology tends to focus on hair, but it also involves basic esthetics and nail care.
READ MORE: Learn More About Montana Cosmetology School
Montana makeup artists must pass NIC practical and written exams before getting an esthetician or cosmetologist license.
If you aren't sure which license to choose, that's okay. Montana doesn't make you pick just one! Licensed cosmetologists in the state can earn a crossover license with esthetics by passing the NIC exams. No additional school is required.
Regardless of your chosen path, you may take continuing education classes to hone your makeup skills. Because this isn't a licensed field, you could take these online, in person, or in any way you choose. Going through this process lets you become a better makeup artist and gives you new things to put in your beauty portfolio.
Does Montana Require a License to Do Performing Arts Makeup?
Nope! Montana says you can provide makeup services for film, TV, theatre, and visual arts without a beauty license. The state's TV and film industry is growing rapidly, so this could be an excellent place to live and work if that's your passion.
Montana Makeup Artist Salary
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) includes makeup artists under the umbrella of skincare specialists. As of 2023, they report that Montana estheticians averaged $44,860 annually ($21.57 per hour). The state's cosmetologists made about $8,000 less.
However, the BLS only reports data from employers, and not all salons and spas are surveyed. Further, self-employed makeup artists aren't included in the estimate. Your location, workplace, specialties, and other factors also affect your potential pay. So, ask other makeup artists in your area how much you could earn.
Contact the Montana State Board of Cosmetology
- 301 S. Park Avenue 4th Floor, Helena, MT 59620
- Website: Montana Department of Labor and Industry
- Email:
- Call: 406-444-6880