Cosmetology Schools Near Sioux City
If you hope to become a cosmetologist in Iowa, consider Sioux City as a place to take your coursework and begin your career. With over 30 salons and eight wedding venues within five miles of the city center, you have a variety of options for your future job.
As of 2019, the mean salary for cosmetologists in Sioux City was $23,730 per year ($11.41 per hour). Iowa expects the number of cosmetology jobs to grow by 12% between 2016 and 2026, which is higher than the national expectation of 9%.
To earn your Iowa cosmetology license, you must complete 2,100 hours of training and pass a written and a skills test. The Sioux City area schools below could all help you on your way.
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
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You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
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