Cosmetology Schools near Asheville, NC and Greenville / Spartanburg / Anderson, SC

Asheville is a city in western North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains. About an hour south via Route 25 is the Greenville–Spartanburg–Anderson metro triad in South Carolina. All four cities have higher-than-average rainfall and sometimes get snow—Asheville can get as much as 10 inches. Residents of these areas need good cosmetologists to keep their locks from getting limp and frizzy—which means they are great places for you to launch your career as a cosmetologist!

Cosmetologists earned the following average yearly salaries in these places as of May 2019:

City Yearly Salary Hourly Salary
Asheville, NC $29,830 $14.34
Greenville–Anderson, SC $21,930 $10.54
Spartanburg, SC $24,540 $11.80

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Both North and South Carolina are expecting higher than average growth for cosmetology jobs between 2016 and 2026—17% in NC and 13% in SC.

The schools below will help you complete the 1,500 training hours needed to become a licensed cosmetologist in North Carolina or South Carolina.

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Check out the Cosmetology schools these cities in South Carolina have to offer.

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