Cosmetology Schools Near Wheeling / Steubenville

If you want to become a cosmetologist in West Virginia or Ohio, consider Wheeling and Steubenville as places to begin. With a variety of salons in and between these towns, you could have many types of work environments to choose from.

In 2019, Wheeling cosmetologists earned a mean salary of $25,230 ($12.13 per hour), and those in Steubenville made $27,010 ($12.99). Cosmetology jobs in both states are expected to grow between 2016 and 2026, by 15% in WV and 12% in Ohio.

Though these cities are less than 40 minutes apart, the states don't offer immediate reciprocity. WV requires applicants who hold licenses in a different state to take an exam on WV cosmetology law, while OH requires proof of at least 1,500 hours of training and passing scores on exams in another state.

Cosmetology licensure in WV requires 1,800 hours of training and passing scores on skills, theory, and law exams. Ohio requires potential cosmetologists to complete 1,500 hours of training and succeed in written and skills tests. The schools below could help you succeed in achieving these goals.

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Cosmetology Schools Near You

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Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

ELHS Career and Technical Education – Accredited

100 Maine Boulevard East
Liverpool, OH 43920

Elite Academy Of Hair Design – Accredited

56104 National Road Suite 115
Bridgeport, OH 43912

Jefferson County Vocational School – Accredited

1509 County Highway 22A
Bloomingdale, OH 43910

Swiss Hills Career Center – Accredited

46601 SR 78
Woodsfield, OH 43793
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

Find Other Cosmetology Schools in West Virginia

Check out the Cosmetology schools these cities in West Virginia have to offer.

West Virginia

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