Esthetician Schools near Birmingham, AL

If you want to become an esthetician in Alabama, Birmingham may be a great place to begin your career. A study of 150 major cities ranked Birmingham as 60th in overall skin care and health, though they rated 130th in skin cancer contributors and prevalence. As estheticians are experts in identifying skin issues, helping clients prevent them from getting worse, or referring them to dermatologists when needed, there is a definite need for these specialists in the city. As of 2019, estheticians in Birmingham earned a mean salary of $34,570 per year ($16.62 per hour). The state expects esthetician jobs to grow by 11% between 2016 and 2026, which is on par with the national average.

Estheticians in Alabama must complete 1,000 hours of training or a 2,000-hour apprenticeship, plus pass written and skills exams, to earn licensure. If you opt for the training route, the schools below will help you on your way to obtaining your esthetician license.

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3200 Riverchase Galleria
Hoover, AL 36532

(205) 769-3500
Cosmetology, Esthetics

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Body Logic School of Cosmetology and Esthetics – Accredited

5510 Highway 280 East Suite 203
Birmingham, AL 35020

Ms. Ivory's International School of Cosmetology, Esthetics, & Nail Technology – Accredited

500 Gene Reed Road Suite 115
Birmingham, AL 35234

Wallace Community College

1141 Wallace Drive
Dothan, AL 35077

Wallace State

801 Main Street Northwest
Hanceville, AL 35244
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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