Esthetician Schools near Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville, Florida, is a great place to pursue an exciting career as an esthetician. The “Bold New City of the South” is home to nearly 1 million people, which means you will have plenty of clients. Additionally, the city is also a popular tourist destination, which means you could serve people from all over the world. As an esthetician, your job will include helping people from all walks of life feel comfortable and beautiful in their skin.
Skincare specialists in Jacksonville, Florida, including estheticians, enjoy a mean annual income of $38,960 and a mean average hourly rate of $18.73. Skincare specialists are in high demand in Florida, with a projected growth rate of 19% in the coming years.
To become a licensed esthetician in Jacksonville, Florida, you must complete 650 hours of training, pass a board-approved HIV/AIDS course and two exams, and pay an application fee. Are you ready to get started on your new career? The schools below can provide the education you need.
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
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You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
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How to Become a Esthetician in Your State
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