Esthetician Schools Near Savannah, GA

If you want to become an esthetician in Georgia, Savannah may be a great place to begin your career. The city is known for its outdoor activities and fabulous Tybee Island, so residents spend a good amount of time outside. Estheticians help counteract the effects of weather on people's skin and identify potential skin issues. Thus, as an esthetician in Savannah, you can help the city's residents keep their skin healthy.

Savannah's estheticians made a mean salary of $43,330 per year ($20.83 per hour) as of 2019, which is about $4,500 more than the national average. The state also expects the field to grow by 16% between 2016 and 2026, which is also higher than the country as a whole.

Georgia estheticians must complete 1,000 hours of training or 2,000 hours in an apprenticeship, plus pass exams, to earn licensure. If you choose to go the training route, the Savannah esthetician programs below can help you achieve this goal.

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Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Advanced Aesthetics Academy – Accredited

40 Okatie Center Boulevard South Suite 300
Okatie, SC 29909

Elan Preparatory Institute of Esthetics

1116 East Montgomery Cross Road
Savannah, GA 31406

S Nevaeh Beauty Academy

1214 North Columbia Avenue
Rincon, GA 31326

Savannah Cosmetology Institute

405 Pennsylvania Avenue
Savannah, GA 31404
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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