Esthetician Schools Near South Bend / Elkhart

If you dream of becoming an esthetician in Indiana, South Bend and Elkhart may be the right places for you. Indiana is the 13th most wrinkle-prone city in the country, so the people there could definitely use good estheticians to help them stay looking young and fresh.

Estheticians in South Bend earned a mean salary of $28,040 per year ($13.48 per hour) as of 2019. Elkhart doesn't publish this information, but their mean salary for their personal care employees overall is $27,640 ($13.29). Indiana expects the number of esthetician jobs to grow by 11% between 2016 and 2026.

Earning your esthetician licensure in Indiana requires you to complete 700 hours of training and pass a written and a skills test. The South Bend and Elkhart area schools below can all help you achieve these goals.

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Paul Mitchell The School

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Esthetician Schools Near You

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Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Vogue Beauty College - Elkhart

2307 Charlotte Avenue
Elkhart, IN 46517

Vogue Beauty College - Mishawaka

301 Lincoln Way West
Mishawaka, IN 46544
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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Esthetics/Skin Care

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