Esthetician Schools Near Portland / Auburn

If you want to become an esthetician in Maine, Portland and Auburn may be great places to begin! The state has warm summers and extremely snowy winters, meaning the weather has ample opportunity to affect the residents' skin. This is where estheticians come in: they can help mitigate the effects of climate on the skin. Both cities also have a good number of spas and beauty businesses, giving you a variety of options for your career.

Estheticians in Portland earned a mean salary of $73,460 per year ($35.32 per hour) as of 2019; Auburn does not publish this information. Statewide, estheticians earned $47,270 ($22.72) that same year. Both these local and state amounts are higher than the national mean of $38,970 ($18.74). Statewide, esthetician jobs should grow by 2% between 2016 and 2026.

Maine requires its estheticians to earn 600 hours of training or complete 1,000 hours of an apprenticeship, plus pass licensure exams in both cases, to become licensed. The schools below can help you earn your training hours and prepare you for your career.

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Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Aveda Institute Maine – Accredited

43 Bridge Street
Augusta, ME 4330

Empire Beauty Schools - Somersworth – Accredited

465 High Street
Somersworth, NH 03878

Spa Tech Institute - Westbrook – Accredited

100 Larrabee Road
Westbrook, ME 4092
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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Check out the Esthetics/Skin Care schools these cities in Maine have to offer.

Esthetics/Skin Care

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