Esthetician Schools near Grand Rapids / Kalamazoo / Battle Creek, MI

If you are considering becoming an esthetician in Michigan, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Battle Creek may be great places to begin. Both Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids ranked in the top 10 places to live in Michigan, and Battle Creek's cost of living is below the national average. In 2019, estheticians in Grand Rapids earned a mean salary of $31,410 per year ($15.10 per hour), and those in Kalamazoo made $35,510 ($17.07). Battle Creek doesn't publish specific numbers, but statewide, the mean esthetician salary in 2019 was $33,820 ($16.26). Michigan expects esthetician jobs to grow by 12% between 2016 and 2026, which is 3% higher than the nation as a whole expects.

To earn esthetics licensure in Michigan, you must complete 400 hours of training or a six-month apprenticeship, plus pass two exams. If you choose to go the training route, the schools below can all help you on your way.

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138 Commerce Avenue Southwest
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

(877) 311-8957
Cosmetology, Esthetics

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

French Academy of Cosmetology – Accredited

111 West Exchange Street Suite A
Spring Lake, MI 49456

Mosley School of Cosmetology – Accredited

4454 Breton Road Southeast
Grand Rapids, MI 49508

The Salon Professional Academy - Battle Creek – Accredited

1416 West Columbia Avenue
Battle Creek, MI 49015

The Salon Professional Academy - Holland – Accredited

2975 West Shore Drive
Holland, MI 49424

Tulip City Beauty School

7321 Heritage Square Drive
Holland, MI 49423
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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