Esthetician Schools Near Butte / Bozeman
If becoming an esthetician in Montana is your dream, consider Butte and Bozeman as places to begin. In addition to being beautiful towns, both places offer seemingly endless outdoor activities. This means residents' skin needs some extra attention—both the sun and the cold can cause many skin problems, and estheticians can help overcome those.
Estheticians in Montana earned a mean salary of $35,680 per year ($17.15 per hour) in 2021. The number of Montana esthetician jobs is expected to grow by 8% between 2018 and 2028.
After you've completed 650 hours of training and passed your written and practical exams, you could be granted your esthetician license in Montana.
The schools below could help you achieve these requirements.
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
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Esthetician Schools Near You
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