Laser Training Schools in California

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Glamhouse Beauty Academy

8942 Woodman Avenue C
Arleta, CA 91331

How to Become a Laser Technician in California

California Laser Technician Careers At a Glance
  • 0 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 3 years.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for laser training in California is $34,300.
  • There is a predicted 15.8% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

When you think of the beauty industry, do you think of California? If so, this is great news for you if you want to explore new career opportunities in cosmetology, since California often starts and accepts new trends very quickly, creating a demand for skilled professionals. Laser hair removal is an example of these growing trends. CA laser training programs give you the customer service skills, technological knowledge, and hands-on skills that you need to help clients enjoy permanent hair loss or reduction. Since laser hair removal is closely related to other beauty careers, you may be interested in learning more about hair removal careers if you are already established in this field.

State License Requirements

Since this is a relatively new type of technology in the beauty industry, you may find that licensing requirements vary quite a bit from state to state. California currently has some of the strictest laser technician requirements in the country. In order to operate a laser, which includes providing laser treatment for the purpose of hair removal, you must be a registered nurse or physician's assistant (Medical Board of California, 2016). Furthermore, you must be supervised by a medical director.

On top of learning about laser hair removal, your education may also explore the use of lasers for other medical procedures, since this technology is restricted to licensed medical professionals. You should plan on getting plenty of hands-on experience—the more laser treatments you complete, the more confident you can be about working on patients independently after graduation.

Education Details

If you want to use your medical career to get started in laser therapy, you must attend an accredited school that covers the following topics: Safe use of lasers Patient monitoring and consultation Conditions that benefit from laser therapy Contraindicating symptoms and diagnoses Proper use of laser machines Documentation and laws Follow-up care On top of learning about laser hair removal, your education may also explore the use of lasers for other medical procedures, since this technology is restricted to licensed medical professionals. You should plan on getting plenty of hands-on experience—the more laser treatments you complete, the more confident you can be about working on patients independently after graduation.

License Renewal

3 Years

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

In California, you need to be a registered nurse or physician to meet the requirements set outlined by the California Medical Board. If you already meet these standards, and you want to work in laser technology, we think your best bet is to take a course that meets the standards set by the National Council on Laser Certification (NCLC). Once you register with this organization, you will need to renew your certification every three years, and pay a $95 fee.

California Laser Training Careers


Average yearly salary for laser training in California

Working as a laser tech in CA typically means working in medical facilities, since beauty professionals and unlicensed laser technicians are not permitted to use laser technology. You may find laser technician work at hospitals, medical spas, and dermatology clinics. You may also provide hair removal services at an endocrinological clinic or hair removal clinic. If you work strictly with hair removal, your career falls into the field of skin care. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net expects job openings for California skin care specialists to increase 41% (2016). The average salary for a California skin care specialist is $31,800 per year (O*Net, 2016).

If there is one state known for its passion for beauty, it's California. The job options for a California hair removal and skincare technician are plentiful in beauty salons. A technician may also work in medical offices. Beauty and skincare matter in California. This makes the job outlook for California hair removal and skincare technicians something worth getting exciting about.

Contact the California State Board of Cosmetology

California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Laser Training

How to Become a Laser Hair Removal Technician in Your State

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