Cosmetology Teacher Training in District of Columbia

Browse our directory of cosmetology teacher schools in District of Columbia, or skip ahead to learn about the state's teacher licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in District of Columbia

District of Columbia Cosmetology Teacher Training At a Glance
  • 1,000 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 6 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for teacher training in District of Columbia is $63,420.
  • There is a predicted 11.9% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

If you want inspiration to pursue cosmetology teacher training in D.C., you can get it from the area's oldest living beauty queen, who turned 91 in 2016. She was crowned Miss Senior DC in 1992, and is a 47-year cancer survivor who is committed to community service helping others. She is a local source of pride in the DC beauty industry. And you can follow in her footsteps by becoming a cosmetology instructor, which will allow you to inspire classrooms of students to follow their dreams like you did.

We are here to help you take the next step, in whatever direction is best for you. We have connections with beauty schools all over D.C. who can help you meet the requirements to teach in this area. If you just need some quick info about hour requirements, salary and job outlook, you can find those details below. But, if you want to see what your options are right now then scroll down to the school listings below, or use the handy-dandy search box at the top of the page.

State License Requirements

1,000 Education Hours

Required to earn a teacher training license

Prior to starting your career as a cosmetology instructor, you must meet specific education and experience requirements. In the District of Columbia, you need a current cosmetology license, six months of work experience, and 1,000 hours of training completed at an approved teaching program.

Education Details

DC teacher training programs can help you transform from a master stylist into an inspiring cosmetology instructor. This will include developing leadership skills, effective teaching methods, and other ways to propel students towards their goals. Be sure to ask all the schools in your area, how they help instructors prepare for the requirements in DC.

DC cosmetology instructor course topics:

  • Communication
  • Classroom management
  • Learning styles
  • Student motivation
  • Leadership

License Renewal

2 Years

License renewal period

6 Hours

Continuing education required

If you want to be a cosmetology instructor in DC, you’ll need to become a licensed cosmetologist with 1,000 hours of training, and at least 6 months of work experience. You will need to renew your license before April 30 in even-numbered years. Additionally, you will need to complete 6 hours of continuing education units to renew your license as well. These courses can be taken on a variety of topics that can enhance your professional skills. See the District of Columbia Department of Regulatory Affairs for more info.

District of Columbia Teacher Training Careers


Average yearly salary for teacher training in District of Columbia

The job outlook for a Beauty School Instructor in Washington, DC is very promising. The growth in the industry is projected to be ten percent which is faster than the national average for growth. Washington, DC also leads the nation in annual mean wage for cosmetology related jobs. If you are looking for a career in cosmetology in the Washington, DC area, the future is looking bright.

Contact the District of Columbia State Board of Cosmetology

Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Teacher Training
District of Columbia

How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in Your State

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