Electrology Schools in Michigan

Browse our directory of electrology schools in Michigan, or skip ahead to learn about the state's electrology licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Electrologist in Michigan

Michigan Electrology Careers At a Glance
  • 400 education hours or 6 Month apprenticeship are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for electrology in Michigan is $29,970.
  • There is a predicted 9.30% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

For hundreds of years, people have been trying to find effective ways to get rid of their unwanted hair. If you've ever thought about making a career out of helping people enjoy get smooth, hairless skin, electrology may be the career path for you! Advances in technology have led to electrolysis, a type of permanent hair removal that is affordable and pain-free. If you're willing to study electrology in Michigan and learn how to use electrolysis tools, this is a job to consider. To learn more about this interesting field of beauty, use our complete listings of beauty schools in Michigan to find and compare programs.

State License Requirements

400 Education Hours OR 6 Month Apprenticeship

Required to earn a electrology license

Electrolysis is a popular form of permanent hair removal. Before applying for licensure, you must successfully pass a 400-hour electrology training course. You can also complete a six-month apprenticeship. If you have previous work experience in this field, you can substitute three months of experience for 100 hours of training. The examination fee is $161 and the licensing fee is $39.

Education Details

Electrology involves sending electric currents through the hair shaft to break down the chemicals that lead to hair growth in that particular follicle. To understand how electrolysis works and what effect it may have on your patients, your electrology curriculum may cover hair follicles, skin types, and disorders of the skin and hair. This information builds a solid knowledge base that can help you get more out of your targeted electrology training. There are quite a few electrology modalities. The ones you use will depend on your clients' needs, your skills, and what tools are available to you. However, training programs in Michigan will likely educate you on all of these modalities. You may learn about the single needle method as well as the multiple needle method. Thermolysis include a manual method and an automatic method. Blend methods permit you to use multiple procedures at once to give your clients the best results possible.

License Renewal

2 Years

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

In Michigan, you will have to finish 400 hours of training to become a professional electrologist in this state, along with passing the state exam. Once you are approved and licensed, you’ll need to register with the state. Then you’ll need to understand the renewal requirements. In Michigan, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs handles the application and renewal process. Here is a link to their complete breakdown to the renewal process for electrologists in Michigan. Your license will expire every two years on the last day of August. The renewal fee is $48.

Michigan Electrology Careers


Average yearly salary for electrology in Michigan

Before you can be hired as an electrologist or start earning money for your services, you must get the appropriate license. In Michigan, electrologists are licensed by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. Before you'll be eligible for licensure, you have to complete 400 hours of electrology education. In general, those who work in electrology or provide other skin care services can look forward to a great job outlook. O*Net expects a 40% increase in job openings for skin care specialists between 2010 and 2020. Job growth may be similar in Michigan, particularly as more people learn about electrolysis and get curious about what it can do for them. Salaries for electrology professionals vary widely. You may work for a salon, work for a dermatologist, or even become self-employed. All of these routes have different earning potentials. Per O*Net, the average salary for a Michigan skin care specialist is $19,500 per year. On the high end of the salary scale, the top 10% of skin care specialists earn $44,100 or more per year (O*Net, 2013).

As you prepare to begin your career in electrology, get ready to change lots of lives. Unwanted hair can have a profound negative effect on people's lives, and as an electrologist you may be the one to change that for them. That's why being able to connect with your customers is such an important part of this career. By the time clients get to you, they may have spent years or even decades being ashamed of their body hair. By treating your clients with respect, discretion, and professionalism, you can help them get through electrolysis with a sense of comfort. According to Karen Kadoura, an electrologist that works out of Birmingham, Michigan, customer experience is far and away the top priority of a successful electrologist. She notes that her top priorities in her practice are her clients' safety, comfort, and privacy. Of course, efficient and permanent hair removal is one of her main goals as well! Keeping your clients and their needs in mind can guide the course of your career and help you become well-known for your services. Electrologists often work a range of hours. If you are self-employed, you may need to tailor your work schedule to your clients' needs and availability. Those who work for dermatologists or salons may need to work a variety of night and weekend hours to reach as many clients as possible. That's the goal—you want to use your new abilities to make people feel confident and beautiful! Go ahead and find out more about becoming an electrologist in Michigan. Contact the schools in our directory to request more information today!

Contact the Michigan State Board of Cosmetology

Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

The Michigan State Board of Cosmetology can help you answer additional questions about obtaining a Michigan state cosmetology license. Michigan prides itself on being at the forefront of style and fashion, and that is shown in the huge amount of beauty salons and spas throughout the state. These are staffed by knowledgeable individuals who are versed in different treatments including electrology. They began their training at these organizations.

Livingston Electrology School
Elevate Salon


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