Electrology Schools in South Dakota

Browse our directory of electrology schools in South Dakota, or skip ahead to learn about the state's electrology licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Electrologist in South Dakota

South Dakota Electrology Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for electrology in South Dakota is $35,300.
  • There is a predicted 12.10% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

For many people, shaving and waxing are perfectly acceptable hair removal options. For many others, though, they have drawbacks.

Shaving and waxing are time-consuming, can be painful, and may not be effective at keeping unwanted hair away for long. That's why electrolysis is becoming so popular in the United States.

Education Details

Safe handling of equipment is a significant part of training in this field. You may learn how to clean, store, and use equipment to minimize risk to yourself and clients. As you learn about different types and textures of hair, you may discover how to change up your technique to permanently eradicate hair and provide your clients with the best service possible. A thorough knowledge of hair and skin is required, as this dictates how you work and how you perform electrolysis on different clients. You may study how hair grows, the different levels of skin, and how electrolysis gets rid of hair.

License Renewal

The state of South Dakota chooses not to regulate the practice of electrology. Still, professionals will need to pass the American Electrology Association certification exam; which will cost you $325 if you’re a nonmember, and $275 if you are a member. The AEA has plenty of career networking and continuing education opportunities, so you should probably just join right now. Your certification will expire in 5 years; at which time you will have to re-pay for recertification.

South Dakota Electrology Careers


Average yearly salary for electrology in South Dakota

As a growing number of people realize how convenient permanent hair removal is, the demand for skilled hair removal professionals is growing around the country. From 2012 through 2022, O*Net predicts a 40% increase in skin care specialist jobs. This job growth rate is much higher than average when compared to other jobs (O*Net, 2012). Currently, the average salary for a skin care specialist is $29,000 per year (O*Net, 2014).

After completing your training, you may find employment at a spa, salon, a dermatology office, or you may choose to open your own hair removal clinic. Each of these settings has its advantages and disadvantages, so be ready to spend some time looking into your options as you get ready to start your career. As an electrologist, you must be ready to listen to your clients, to be discreet, and to always keep their best interests at heart. For many people, hair removal is an embarrassing topic. Handling it delicately can bring you referrals and repeat customers.

Contact the South Dakota State Board of Cosmetology

South Dakota Cosmetology Commission

With local projections for skin care professionals rising over the next six years, many look to electrology as a firm career choice in South Dakota. While there isn’t a state licensing board there, eager applicants obtain training information through these groups.

Electrology Institute of N.E.
American Institute of Education

South Dakota

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