Electrology Schools in Oklahoma

Browse our directory of electrology schools in Oklahoma, or skip ahead to learn about the state's electrology licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Electrologist in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Electrology Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for electrology in Oklahoma is $25,630.
  • There is a predicted 12.1% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Hair removal is one of the largest and fastest-growing specialties in the cosmetology industry today. Men and women alike are using permanent hair removal techniques to get out of the routine of shaving or waxing. If you want to help those with unwanted body hair feel good about themselves, contact electrology schools in Oklahoma for more information.

Education Details

When you enroll in an electrology program in Oklahoma, you may study a wide variety of subjects and techniques. First, you learn about how electrology works and how it affects the skin and hair. You may explore the terminology used in this field so that you can adequately educate clients. Your instructors may cover different techniques used by electrologists. For example, you may study the single needle method, the multiple needle method, and thermolysis. As part of your training, you may cover how to choose the right method for a client's hair removal needs.

License Renewal

To work in Oklahoma as an electrologist, you’ll need to become familiar with the Oklahoma Medical Board. They are the ones who set the guidelines for the application process, renewal requirements, and fees. Currently, you must renew your license in Oklahoma every year by December 31st. If you fail to renew within 30 days, your license will be suspended until you amend the situation. Also, practitioners must perform 15 hours of continuing education in every three year accounting period. The fees are: $30 (initial application), $30 (license), $25 annual renewal fee.

Oklahoma Electrology Careers


Average yearly salary for electrology in Oklahoma

Many parts of the beauty industry are seeing rapid growth, and hair removal is one of those areas. In Oklahoma, as in many other states, the need for skin care specialists is growing quickly. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net expects to see a 32% increase in skin care specialist jobs in Oklahoma. The average salary for an Oklahoma skin care specialist is $19,400 per year (O*Net, 2014).

One of the benefits of working in electrology is the variety of settings in which you can use your skills. A growing number of spas and salons are now offering electrolysis, allowing patients with cosmetic hair growth issues to get prompt and comfortable care. Electrologists may also be hired by dermatology offices to assist with patients who have unusually excessive hair growth. Whichever work setting you end up in, you should anticipate spending the majority of your time with your patients. You are with them every step of the way, from consultation and education to followup care. It's important to have great focus and attention to detail, since you are responsible for your clients' skin health.

Contact the Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology

Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering

Oklahoma is experiencing tremendous growth in the number of versatile laser hair care professionals. These individuals are often attached to salons or have their own clinics. Interested electrology applicants begin their journey with these groups as a starting point.

Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision
American Institute of Education
Francis Tuttle Technology Center


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