Hair Braiding Schools in Colorado

Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in Colorado, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Colorado

Colorado Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Colorado is $28,340 .
  • There is a predicted 25.7% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

To make the most of your hair braiding career in Colorado, you'll need to compare programs that offer courses and training. Even if you already have the kinds of skills clients want, it's important to go the extra mile when you start your career in the competitive, creative, and red-hot beauty industry. We recommend speaking with beauty schools after you read the following information about licensure, course topics and admissions that may impact your decision. Fortunately, the field of hair braiding offers several professional options. You can either start working at an existing salon or start your own business. With marketing tools, such as Facebook, you can show off your skills while popping up in local search results. Take a look at Sophie's African Braiding and Beauty Supply on Facebook. You can see how their high rating (4.8 stars — pretty awesome) and photos of their work would be appealing to new clients — and keep their current one's happy. When you enroll in the right hair school program, you'll learn how to apply the same kind of good business sense to your hair braiding practice in Colorado.

State License Requirements

Before working as a hair braider, you must complete a cosmetology or hairstyling license in Colorado. While a cosmetology license requires 1,800 hours of training, a hairstyling license requires 1,200 hours of education. For either license, you must pay a $127 testing fee. You must also pass a written test and a practical skills test. All testing goes through PSI. With your license, you can work as a hair braider in Colorado.

Education Details

If you want to become a professional level braider in Colorado, then you need to find training that will help you develop solid skills, as well as marketing and business skills. Some braiding programs will even help you learn about trade shows, exhibitions and seminar opportunities that can bring in additional income. That's why we recommend comparing the courses from all the programs in your area before deciding.

Hair braiding courses in Colorado offer:

  • Twists (Nubian, sengalese, comb, flat, etc.)
  • Business skills
  • Extensions (human, synthetic, yarn)
  • Braids

Contact the Colorado State Board of Cosmetology

Office of Barber and Cosmetology Licensure

As Colorado embraces a more hip element to hairdressing in salons across the state, professionals are seeing the benefits through customer growth. At present, there is no licensing for hair braiding there on a state level. But those interested in acquiring that skill consult these organizations.

Colorado Office of Barber & Cosmetology Licensure
Professional Beauty Association

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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