Hair Braiding Schools in Minnesota

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Minnesota

Minnesota Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • 30 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 3 years.
  • 4 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Minnesota is $28,190.
  • There is a predicted 5.6% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

If you've ever seen a fully-braided head of hair, you've likely been extremely impressed by the skill, creativity, and attention to detail that go into that type of hairstyle. Hair braiding is a cosmetological art that has been around for hundreds of years, originally coming from western Africa. With steady hands, lots of practice, and a great education, you may be able to start a hair braiding career in Minnesota.

State License Requirements

30 Education Hours

Required to earn a hair braiding license

Minnesota is one of the states in which hair braiding is regulated by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetology Examiners. To be eligible for licensure as a hair braider in Minnesota, you must complete a 30-hour course that covers sanitation, hygiene, and safety. However, most hair braiding courses in Minnesota also help you develop your braiding skills, which is good news for those who have not learned braiding techniques from skilled family members.

Education Details

When you first learn about a new braiding technique, you may first watch your instructor perform it on a mannequin or a human head. Then you may cover the braiding technique step by step. The final step is practicing the technique yourself, first starting on mannequin heads and then moving onto other people. You may experiment with different hair textures and lengths as part of your training. Different techniques you may cover as part of your education include weaving, cornrowing, braiding, extensions, locking, and twisting.

License Renewal

3 Years

License renewal period

4 Hours

Continuing education required

Minnesota Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Minnesota

Though hair braiding has been around for hundreds of years, it is just starting to gain popularity and traction in the United States. As a result, the demand for hair braiders is growing throughout the country. The more styling techniques you can effectively use on clients hair, the greater demand you may see for your skills. O*Net reports an expected 6% increase in cosmetology jobs through 2022 in Minnesota. This includes hair braiding jobs. It may be difficult to pinpoint salary information in this beauty specialty, as it is still a fairly small field with little data available. However, O*Net reports that the average salary for a cosmetology professional in Minnesota is $23,500 per year, with the top 10% of professionals earning more than $43,800 per year. Your income may depend on whether you work for a salon or own your own business.

You can take your hair braiding skills into many different settings and start building a client base. If you live in an area where braiding hasnt yet taken off or its still growing, you may wish to open your own salon and get your share of the hair braiding market. This may involve working out of your home, performing hair braiding services in other peoples homes, or renting out a salon space to see customers. It all depends on what your long-term goals are! Becoming a business owner may increase your earning potential if youre willing to work hard and work long hours in the early days of ownership. In addition, it may help you develop a strong reputation in your community for hair braiding. You may also find work at a salon or a specialty hair braiding shop. This may be ideal if youre not quite ready for business ownership or if you dont want to start from scratch on your client base. This may allow you to benefit from the salons reputation, take walk-in clients that are assigned to you, and slowly develop a list of loyal clients that way. There are benefits to working in a salon or working for yourself! In your hair braiding career, you may see the same clients for many years. Customers who find a hair braider they like may go back for touchups, new sets of full braids, and extensions. Customer service is at the core of this career.

Contact the Minnesota State Board of Cosmetology

Minnesota Board of Cosmetology

Hair stylists are a welcome part of the community across Minnesota. They are arbiters of vibrant trends, including fashionable and alluring hair braiding. They and other aspiring stylists learn all pertinent information about it from the following groups.

Professional Beauty Association
Associated Hair Professionals

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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