Hair Braiding Schools in North Dakota

Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in North Dakota, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Hair Braider in North Dakota

North Dakota Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in North Dakota is $29,650 .
  • There is a predicted 8.3% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Are you looking for a beauty career that's up-and-coming in many communities, that fills a very specific need in North Dakota communities, and that gives you the chance to constantly build on your skills in the cosmetology industry? If this sounds like exactly what you're looking for, it's time to look into hair braiding schools in North Dakota.

State License Requirements

Hair braiding is currently an unlicensed profession in North Dakota, so you may not have to meet specific requirements. However, this field may come under oversight by the North Dakota State Board of Cosmetology at some point, so you may want to keep up on North Dakota's licensing requirements.

Education Details

When you learn how to braid, you may learn from a long-time braider, a trained cosmetology instructor, or others with expertise in this field. There are many different braiding techniques used throughout the United States, and your training may provide you with experience in many of them! Commonly taught techniques in this field include weaving, cornrowing, braiding, extensions, twisting, locking, comb twists, kinky twists, and bonding weaves. After learning about a technique, seeing how it is performed, and asking questions, it's time to get hands-on experience. You may work on peers, mannequin heads, and customers to develop a strong set of braiding skills and get the abilities you need to succeed in North Dakota.

North Dakota Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in North Dakota

Hair braiding is a cosmetology specialty that has just started to gain traction in the United States, getting attention in the media and in the industry at large. This may have a positive effect on your job potential. O*Net indicates that the demand for cosmetologists may increase by 9% between 2012 and 2022. This is fairly similar to the national rate of growth for cosmetologists (O*Net, 2012). Cosmetology salaries in North Dakota tend to be slightly higher than the national average. The average salary reported for North Dakota cosmetologists is $27,300 per year (O*Net, 2012). O*Net indicates that the highest-paid professionals in North Dakota earn more than $49,900 per year. Much depends on whether you're self-employed, the owner of a braiding salon, or employed by a salon or braiding shop.

To be a great and successful hair braider, you need a variety of traits. You must be personable and friendly, since your clients may be spending several hours with you to get their braids done. They don't want to be fired or feel unwelcome while they're in your chair — they want to feel comfortable and like you enjoy having them there! Being able to make conversation and keep customers entertained can go a long way in helping you build your customer base. In addition, you may wish to keep a flexible schedule in order to meet your client's expectations. One local braiding salon is open six days a week to accommodate the needs of their customers! You may be able to set your schedule in advance by working by appointment only. If you work at a salon or hair braiding salon, however, you may be required to maintain fairly regular hours. In some cases, these hours include nights and weekends.

Contact the North Dakota State Board of Cosmetology

North Dakota State Board of Cosmetology

With the hair care industry on an upswing in North Dakota, stylists of all levels are embracing new techniques to appeal to clients. With hair braiding being more in demand, these professionals get information on training thanks to these resources.

Professional Beauty Association

Hair Braiding
North Dakota

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