Hair Braiding Schools in Kansas

Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in Kansas, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Kansas

Kansas Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Kansas is $25,690 .
  • There is a predicted 10.9% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Kansas students who want to pursue careers in hair braiding are in luck. There are beauty school options across the state that can help you move forward with this creative cosmetology skillset. Finding the right hair school in Kansas can help you learn what it takes to work with clients, run your own business, and execute the beautiful techniques that make hair braiding such an art. In addition to speaking with schools in Kansas, you should check out some of the top-rated hair braiding businesses, such as Khadim Hair Braiding and Touba African Braiding Salon to see how they operate. What else should you know about becoming a hair-braiding professional in Kansas? For starters, you should gather the quick info, such as license requirements, typical salary and employment rate for the state We have that and other important details in the sections that follow. From there, we think you should contact all your options for local training. Each school will have their own approach to training, as well as varying cost, time for completion, and financial aid options. Courses can also vary greatly from school to school. Just use the search box or hair school listings to get started.

Education Details

It takes more than learning the skills clients want to be successful. It all starts with choosing the right braiding curriculum at a school near you. Many programs will help you learn the whole spectrum of braiding styles, while developing critical business-oriented skills. When you receive information about the programs near you, the first thing you should do is compare their course topics.

Kansas braiding courses:

  • Twists (nubian, yarn twist, flat twist, etc.)
  • Business and professional licensing
  • Weaves
  • Locks (start locks, lock weave)
  • Braids

Kansas Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Kansas

Employment for Kansas hair braiders is projected to grow 10% through the year 2024, which is faster than the average growth rate for other occupations. The majority of these jobs will come from the need to replace braiders who retire or leave the hair care industry for other reasons. Increased interest in natural hair styling options like hair braiding and weaving in recent years and general population growth will also lead to greater demand for hair braiding services.

Contact the Kansas State Board of Cosmetology

Kansas Board of Cosmetology

Hairdressers in Kansas are looked upon as purveyors of contemporary beauty standards, and hair braiding is among those that clients come to expect from them. While there isn’t a license required by the state, interested applicants go to these groups.

Professional Beauty Association
Association of Cosmetology Professionals

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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