Hair Braiding Schools in Oregon

Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in Oregon, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Oregon

Oregon Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Oregon is $29,260.
  • There is a predicted 11.9% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Have you ever seen someone with cornrowed or braided hair and wondered how they did it? They likely used the services of a hair braider, a cosmetology professional who specializes in natural hair care and hair manipulation. If that sounds like the perfect beauty career for you, keep reading to learn more about hair braiding schools in Oregon. Before you begin finding out what practical skills you need as a hair braider, you may spend some time on cosmetology laws in Oregon. These laws are followed in all salons and spas, so it's important for you to follow them in your practice. In addition, they can help you keep your clients safe and healthy.

Education Details

Then it's onto the fun part: hands-on braiding. As you learn about each technique that is popular in this field, you get plenty of opportunities to practice it yourself. In your education, you may spend time on cornrowing, weaving, twisting, and locking.

Oregon Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Oregon

If you want to settle down and start your hair braiding career in Oregon, this news may be very exciting. Oregon's cosmetology industry expects to see a 31% increase in jobs by 2022, according to O*Net. Those who work in the cosmetology industry of Oregon earn an average salary of $23,800 per year (O*Net, 2014).

Hair braiders' days are often very busy, packed full of customer appointments and walk-ins. If you decide to open up your own braiding shop—which may be a great idea if there are few or no hair braiders in your area—you might set your own hours, only come in for appointments, or do some market research to find out when it's best to be open. If you work at a salon or spa, then your hours may be more rigid. Throughout a shift, you may see new clients. This often requires several hours of work. Once clients start coming back to you for touchups, your appointments may be slightly shorter and break up your day a bit more.

Contact the Oregon State Board of Cosmetology

Health Licensing Office

Hair braiding has become another element of the massive rise for the hair industry in Oregon. Stylists stay contemporary with their treatments including hair braiding. Interested parties consult these following resources.

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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